Donations can be made through the Donate button, or through scanning or tapping these QR codes.

Donate to OCS

Donations assist with supplies, equipment, travel, and other expenses for our Junior Olympics gold medal winning team as well as our younger teams and our Athletes With Disabilities(AWD) program. Ohio Coralinas Synchro is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization registered under the name Ohio Synchro Swim Club.

Business sponsorship opportunities are available, and we are registered with the charitable donation-management portal Benevity (ID: 251926977).

For questions or other contribution options, please contact the Board Treasurer ( Donations and Sponsorships are greatly appreciated!

Click here to donate to the Lucky Strike Raffle

(Open until March 16th!)

We are selling raffle tickets to win $300 worth of Ohio Scratch Off Lottery tickets. Funds raised will cover the cost of the competition suits for this season. Funds raised over that goal will go toward helping to get our Athletes With Disabilities team to Junior Olympics this year. Help support us!

***please enter your swimmer name on the entry page.***

Just click the link below to enter. You can get one ticket for $10 or 3 for $25
